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Creating an attractive and successful Online lesson

Creating an Attractive and Successful Online Lesson

Online learning provide new opportunities beyond those of a traditional classroom, students and in particular teachers-tutors  must become more adoptable  for the growing online teaching methodology.

Many teachers-tutors are unfortunately unexperienced with the online learning environment, such as online live face-to-face tutoring and creating LMS online courses for their students.

Tutors are advisable to give extra attention to strategies that will keep their students-pupils engaged, and create an effective teaching classes, then provide a rewarding learning experience where students-pupils get all needed support.


How to Provide Best Practices

Approach  your students with care and attention. One way to do this is to email them at your online platform, make sure you provide a clear instruction and make videos  available to them at  YouTube or video live at your online platform website, your instruction should highlights some of your practises and activities.

The most important is to provide students with information on how to get started in the classroom and how you will help them to smoothly understand their subjects and pass their exams.

Use your time wisely and effectively, do not repeat things unless is needed.  Create a clear classroom presentation, make sure your presentation is brief. Point out any requirements or skills that you will teach them, such as, writing skills , English, maths, etc . Then, schedule a live meeting conference ( at dashboard) to discuss, teach and deliver the course.

Furthermore,  give your students the opportunity to ask questions, of you are teaching a group do not neglect any student. When you create online course to your students please make sure that you provide more human element to the course, such as questions, answers and video meeting conference. It is vital that students see you as a person which they can connect with you and ask you questions.


♣Do care a lot of students-pupils and parents and their expectations. Many students struggle with their studies, so make things much easier for them.


Some students need private online classes, simply because they are unfamiliar with their subject at their schools, college or university such as maths, English grammar, writing, ets.

Providing students with clear examples and tests that adhere to the requirements of the course or the subject (such as maths), make sure they have met all requirements to pass their exams to achieve best results, have them feeling more confident about their ability to be successful in the course.

Provide detailed feedback to students on what they have done well and give very clear suggestions on how to progress.

Make sure that you post weekly announcements, reminders, and tips for that course, and remind students of timelines for any exams or tests, or special projects that are due in the course. It is a worthy in these announcements to introduce any new plan, call attention to anything that is missing or required extra studies and work in the future.


by being positive as tutor- teacher you can take some of the stress out of the students learning involvements by making the new online experience both rewarding and successful.