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Learning Online at home

best online Education

Advantages of on-line Teaching and Learning

In the past online education has its limitations, However , this is not the case any more there are numerous benefits of online teaching and learning which could describe why online teaching and Learning may be the best revolution recently.
Static shows that millions of students from all around the world are using online platforms –E-Learning , it also reported that number of private online education is dramatically increased
Tutors need to think more wisely and gain the best of it , the online education business made a massive change in the system and opened endless opportunities for teachers and tutors to run their own private tutoring business and of-course increase their income.


Tutors can make more money  by running their own private tutoring business online.


1- You can teach whatever you want

You can teach any subject you want as long as you can efficiently demonstrate your ability and suitability to deliver quality lessons.

2- You can teach whenever you want

It doesn’t matter where you live and what time you are available – you can sell all your courses online 24/7, you also tutor video live online at your convince time upon agreed with your student.

3- Timing and Comfort.

At our online-platform Dr Tutor comfort is a great advantage to teach online , you can teach lessons from your computer whenever you are free, and earn money from home.
You will not need to use transport to teach your students at their home, you will save money and time, you will not have dressed for your private class ,
The best thing about online learning is that you can teach in a relaxed manner even if you are tired , ill, and live fare away from your students.

4- Less cost and better income

The fact that online education are much more cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional school or universities or at private tuitions, However, this bring dual benefits to tutors and students. Despite the fact this method is much more cheaper to students, tutors will be able to earn more by selling more online course to more students locally nationally and intentionally, students and their parents would be able to search many available tutors and find the most suitable tutor and subject.