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Marketing Your Tutoring Service

Marketing Your Tutoring Service

Marketing Your Tutoring Service

Nowadays the tutoring online systems has become more popular among the students and their guardians, basically it is noticeable for them as they cannot learn all by themselves alone. They need assistance from you, so do it right and market your private online teaching business, that sense this industry has a brightest future in very recent days.

Tell everyone about your online business.

One of the best way to gain clients , is Tell , email , Text everyone you know, tell your all your students that you now offer online-live teaching, tell their parents  tell your Friends , tell your neighbors,  actually tell everyone. Let them know of the service you are offering your webpage at your online platform drtutor.

Offer a free event.

At your dashboard at Dr Tutor platform you have great tools for marketing, one of them is, Events , there are many parents and students  looking  for free information regarding their concern courses,  some of them are struggling to find the right tutor. Use event at dr tutor to tell your potential students about you event and presentation subject and location, precisely specify the event is free highlight the benefit of attending your event , hand out your business card details at the beginning of the event, provide brief summery about your self and your experiences .

Please note that you can do your online events to your potential students and parents at dr tutor live streaming, you can accommodate 300 participants and you can hold unlimited online events.

 Offer a free mini course.

This is one of the most effective way to engage students and their parents The best technique to do this is by quickly offering a free mini course.


Blog, Post and Topic Regularly

Blogging is an important element that you can write to tell students and their parents about yourself, your abilities and your tutoring services which you are providing, it will put you in much better position comparing with other tutors, also will increase your chances to get more students and it will rise your search rankings.

A normal blog post and topic is between 1200 to 2200 words, the minimum is 500 words,

Think of important ideas and quality materials for your niche, make sure you pay special attention to your post title, such as

How to get best exam results?
How to pass maths exam?
5 ways to make you best student.
How write your homework?

It should be attractive and eye-catching blog title, those blogs should help establish you as an expert and knowledgeable tutor in your field, and support you build an appreciated reputation.


Create marketing videos

Video is getting very important in education, and becoming an increasing part of online live education consumption, but just making videos might not be enough assurance for the success you are seeking, they need to be in decent and comprehensive.

YouTube is now the second popular search engine with over 4 billion searches, when creating a marketing video for YouTube it should increase students’ awareness about your online tutoring servers and of course bring you traffic to your page at your online tutoring platform-Dr tutor platform.

Cooperate with other teachers –tutors through drtutor platform.

Dr Tutors platform is great place to run professional business, it provides tutors with amazing tools to cooperate with other tutors and any educational providers, you be earning points when you recommend tutors, and of-course this will increase your income.

Ex English tutor knows several, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Science and Spanish tutors where she lives, she could make money when introduce a  maths tutor to her client. She might also earn points and earn money when she recommended the Chemistry, or, Science tutor, this required the new tutor to register on the website.


Write supportive multi-guides for your target students.

Create a multi-guide source on your platform website on most needed topics and subjects for your target students, also try to response to urgent students queries quickly and free of charges, you can use this serves to target more students and ask them to register with you at your page, then you can email them easily from your dashboard.  For example, if you are specialist in maths, provide students with quick advice –tip questions and answers- the night before the exam, the same could be provided to any student who has taken a course with you in the past. make sure your rules and condition apply.