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The success of Creating Online Courses

The success of Creating Online Courses

The success of creating an online courses must provide a diversity of content and delivery methods such as video, writing, text, units, quizzes, questions, assignment , course news , statist which can make you create a good quality course.

Do not forget your success is not just depending on you as tutor (teacher-instructor), but also depends on the necessity for your course which you have created, and your ability to create decent quality course to attract your target students.


But how to Create the best online Courses?

  1. Choose a course subject.

    A course is usually an individual subject, such as Maths, English, etc and is typically lasts one academic terms. However as tutor you are free to specify the course length.

  2. Identify course Level ,

    Most courses have a level category . The higher the level, the more difficult the course is. There many level available such as A Level, certificate , diploma , Degree , GCSE  ,  IB , KS3, Primary

  3. Write a Course short  and full description,

    this is an important element for quality courses, it should have solid course information, must be accurate, attractive and motivating. Students and their parent and are concerned on the maximum value of taking the course and the value of the subject matter. Hence, do not forget the description should stress on the content and the benefit of the course and the student potential progress.

  4. Decide the best methods to deliver your lessons

Online platform such as Dr Tutor offers wide range selection of tutoring-teaching methods, such as online live video , online live meeting text, video, writing, text, units, quizzes, questions, assignment , questionnaires, checklists, audio, course news, statist.

Tutors responsibility is in defining what format-setting is best for what they are planning to teach on a course or subject. In some courses, you might offer three techniques for lesson one, but you might offer only two techniques for one lesson two. For example, if you were teaching a course on English Language,

At lesson one you might have

1-video tutorial

2-text writing instruction


At lesson two you might have

1-conference live meetings



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